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The Mosque Osman Pazvantoglu and The Library, VidinCod 2598

Pazvantoglu Osman mosque is a mosque in Vidin. Besides the mosque, the architectural ensemble also includes a library, which was declared a cultural monument of national importance. Located in City Park (Danube Park) in front of the Metropolitan Kale complex (Old Town).

The mosque can be visited freely by anyone and even photographed inside. Inside works a person who can tell the story of the mosque, in order to explain internal elements, to translate the inscriptions on the walls, to show the library.

Are available for selling, books with religious and secular themes.

The Pazvantoglu ensemble, at the end of 18th and beginning of the 19th century until now it included only the mosque and the library. As a whole was probably a school mosque or a small Muslim religious hermitage.

The mosque is a massive stone building with a strictly oriental architecture. Completed between May 14 1801 and May 4, 1802 with two floors. The antechamber is designed as an open gallery. The large prayer hall is decorated with ceiling board, which has woodcut. There is a balcony designed for women.


The Library

The library is made of stone, square, covered with a dome from lead sheet with a small open hall and a hall. From the inscription above the entrance is meant that Pazvantoglu has dedicated the library to his mother.

The minaret of the mosque and the complete library are stylized with tip. It’s probably the sign of the military unit which belonged to Osman Pazvantoglu, or (according to another version) has an reversed heart as an expression of unrequited love. Placing the top emphasize the independence of Pazvantoglu from the sultan, whose symbol is the crescent moon. Some people believe that the Pazvantoglu mosque is dedicated to his father, killed in Vidin on the orders of the Sultan; others say that he dedicated this mosque to his Bulgarian lady lover. Better known is the version of unrequited love between Pazvantoglu Osman and and a  Bulgarian christian lady. According to ancient faith (that still exists today) because of different religions, their feelings remain unrequited and misunderstood by others, without having the capacity to continue sharing those feelings. The mosque was known as “mosque Doughty”, precisely because of this.

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