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CCMP Europroject implements over a period of 24 months, in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and industry Vratsa (CCI-Vratsa) and the Chamber of Commerce and industry (CCI-Russian), CBC Audio Travel Guide in order to improve the sustainable use of natural resources and cultural heritage.

The objectives proposed in the project contributing to the achievement of the programme outcome indicators funding refers to:

-improving the use of sustainable and ecological heritage of natural resources and cultural heritage through the design of specific tourism products 5 comprehensive transboundary area Romania-Bulgaria

-contribution to the promotion of cross-border tourist attractions in the area by providing a new tourist guide service, integrated (accessible by calling dedicated telephone number 19000 or +35 982 518860, by downloading an application for mobile devices or by accessing the dedicated section on the project website).

He is proposing the project approximately 1500 sights of the 15 cross-border Bulgarian-Romanian counties. These sights will be distributed in 5 categories, such as: cultural; religious; entertainment;  sports; health.  The 1500 sights will be announced to the public interested in the main local public authorities, companies, persons in the field of ancient history, geography and public domains through validation and information seminars. In the framework of the seminars will be validation TOP 100 tourist attractions that will provide you with a video presentation. Information seminars shall be made for the information of prospective tourists regarding tourist potential of Romano-Bulgarian cross-border area.
