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The Lordly Cellar, SegarceaCod 1413

Segarcea – “the most wished land” in its Latin name – is one of the twelve domains given in the administration of the Royal House of Romania in 1884, during the times of King Carol I, by the Parliament. This was the moment when it was founded the Administration of the Crown Domains (ADC). The […]

The Bust of Horia Vintilă, SegarceaCod 1412

The bust was built up in the memory of Horia Vintilă. He was born in the year 1915, in the locality Segarcea, the county of Dolj – Oltenia. He started the primary school at Râmnicu Sărat and he finished it at Bucharest. He graduated the College Saint Sava. He studied at the Faculty of Law, […]

The Segarcea Monastery, SegarceaCod 1411

On the Segarcea property, there was built up a small skete, made of wood, during the times of Negru – Vodă. Later on, in the year 1547, on the property there was built up the church from the wall, dedicated to the Assumption of Mary. This was built up in a muntenesc style, having a […]

The Children’s Club, SegarceaCod 1410

The children’s club from Segarcea is one of the locations in which most of the children from Segarcea develop extra-curricular activities. The building in which the Children’s Club Segarcea develops its activity was built in the year 1886 being financed by the Domain of the Crown and functioned as a Girls’ School. In 1970 it […]

The Assumption of Mary Church, SegarceaCod 1409

The Assumption of Mary church from Segarcea is one of the newest churches in the city, having at the same time the titular saint of Saint Dimitrie the New. It was reconditioned in the year 2010 being re-painted and painted, being maintained the old structure. Saint Dimitrie lived in Thessaloniki (Salonika, in today’s Greece), during […]

The Memorial House Henri Catargi, ScăeștiCod 1408

Henri Catargi was born on the 6th of December 1894 at Bucharest and he first attended the courses of the Faculty of Law at Sorbonne, in France. In parallel, between the years 1919 – 1922, he studied painting at the Julian Academy and at the Academy Ranson from Paris under the guidance of Maurice Denis, […]

The Sadova Monastery, CraiovaCod 1407

Situated at south from the city Craiova, in the proximity of a forest from the border of Jiu, the Saint Nicholas Monastery Sadova was initially a foundation of the Craiovești aristocrats. They built up around the year 1520 a wooden church, on the place on which Matei Basarab built up a church made of walls, […]

The Assumption of Mary Church, RadovanCod 1406

The Assumption of Mary Church from Radovan was built up in the XVIIth century, being included on the list of historical monuments from the county Dolj. The Assumption of Mary, Mother of God is the celebration in the memory of the day in which the Virgin Mary dies. It is celebrated by the orthodox and […]

Saint Nicholas Church, PerișorCod 1404

Saint Nicholas Church from Perișor was built up in the year 1862, being included on the list of historical monuments from the county of Dolj. Saint Nicholas is celebrated on the 6th of December. Of Greek origin (Nikolaos), the name is formed from two words: nike, “victory” (from nikao, “to defeat”), and laos, “people”, being […]
