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The Saint Gheorghe The New Church, CraiovaCod 1383

On the north-east side of Craiova, on Păltiniş Street, stands tall for over 300 years, the Saint Gheorghe Cel Nou Church. It is part of the pleiad of the churches built in brick mid 18th century, being built by the Stoieneştilor landowner family. According to the testimonies kept in the church inscription we find that, […]

The Poenaru House, CraiovaCod 1377

The Poenaru house was built between 1890 and 1895 by the Adotti Italian Company and belonged to a family with great ground properties, Constantin Poenaru. The family owned large estates at Căpinteni (Florești), Poiana de Sus, Slamoșa, Leu, Broscari, Dobra (Mehedinți). As a result of the marriage of magistrate Constantin Poenaru with Nicolae Câncea’s daughter, […]

The Memorial House Mirica, CraiovaCod 1376

The house in built in the year 1898, the architect being Dimitrie Maimarolu, born on the 21st of August 1859 at Bucharest. After a preparation in the workshop of the professor Julien Guadet (1834 – 1908), in August 1881 he enters at the School of Beaux – Arts from Paris, obtaining the Architect Diploma in […]

The Traian Demetrescu House, CraiovaCod 1374

On November 3rd 1866 Traian Rafael Radu Demetrescu is born in Craiova, second child of Radu Dumitru and Ioana Anica. “Tradem”’s family frequently made donations to the Saint Gheorghe Vechi Church, that is to this day across the street from the Craiova Cultural House, but also stood out through the donations they made for the […]
