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Wine cellar NisovoCod 2393

Nisovo wine cellar specializes in the production of white, rose and red quality. It has a laboratory, fermentation and bottling station, and two tasting rooms. Area winery is underground and has an area of 500 sq m. Cellar temperature is always maintained between 12 and 16 degrees for optimal preservation and wine barrels. The wine […]

Wine Complex Seven GenerationsCod 2392

Seven Generations Wine Complex is located in Northern Bulgaria, 30 km west is the city of Ruse and 100 km from Bucharest, Romania. Situated among small hills with a panoramic view towards the sunset soarlui amid the vineyards and the Danube River. It features authentic tasting room and restaurant, hotel and air-conditioned hall for events. […]

West Park Prista, RuseCod 2391

West Park Prista, which is at the end of Ruse is a huge dull, suitable for sports, entertainment, rest, relaxation and walks. Each year, the park is organizing folk festival Golden Rebekah. It organizes volleyball and football tournaments. As a result of the Prista is bordered by the Danube River, the park is very suitable […]

Voda Cave, Tabachka villageCod 2390

Cave “Vodna” ( “Water”) lies 5 km east of the s. Tabachka on the left bank of the river Lom Chenri. Wearing this Name, perhaps because of a cubic spring that is in its bottom. Local legend has it that the water in Afrim healing properties. Cave has a natural high semicircular niche on two […]

Visitor Center Lomovete, Nisovo villageCod 2389

The complex nature protection “Lomovete” was built with funds from the Environment Operational Programme 2007-2013 for the “Lomovete – center for the preservation of birds who make their nests in stone” and equipped with the project “Sustainable Development Activities Nature Park “Rusenski Lom”. The visitor center through multimedia, can see the exhibition protected birds, attractions […]

Tsarev Kamak, RuseCod 2388

Tsarev famous monument Kamaka (Coloaba Mahmud) in the city of Ruse, is Youth Park, about 60 m patron “Assumption” and is the oldest preserved monument in the city. The monument has nothing to do with the Bulgarian tsars. It was erected in 1937 after the city was visited by the 30th ruler of the Ottoman […]

Tourist Information Centre, RuseCod 2387

Russian Tourist Information Center provides Information for both cultural and natural attractions in the municipality of Ruse and about the city’s cultural calendar. Information can be found here on accommodation, eating places, hours and entrance fees to museums, tours contacts organiează companies in Bulgaria and Romania. Tourist Information of the Ministry of Tourism of Bulgaria, […]

Zahari Stoyanov’s grave, RuseCod 2386

Zahari Stoyanov’s tomb is a vestige of the old Russian cemetery. Here at September 20, 1893, he was buried Bulgarian named, died in Paris, 18 days before it, where he led a delegation as head of the Bulgarian Parliament. Today, Zahari Stoyanov’s bones, with the bones of many other heroes of national revival fallen for […]

Thracian tomb, city of BorovoCod 2385

The grave in the town of Borovo (full name “Grave of gent aristocratic fourth century BC them) are in the center (near SOU – Secondary School” Sv. Limenta Ohridski “) and is one of the most popular tourist attractions visited in municipality. In 1974, in the “SIRV Tepe” 2-3 km northwest of the town of […]

The White wall, Svalenik villageCod 2384

Ruins “Stena Byala – White wall” (also known as “Fortress”) is located 4 km northwest of s. Svalenik (county Ruse). This is a little late Roman fortress, part of the defense system of the Romans in the lands of North Bulgaria today. The fortress was build in the fourth century as a fortress to control […]
