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The Alpinist’ Lodge, Basarabovo VillageCod 2293

The Alpinist’ Lodge is located on the on the high and rocky river of Rusenski Lom, in Zgaraelitsa, location, at 80 m above the sea level. The Alpinist’ Lodge is a stone building and one level, alpine steep roof and attic. Electricity and water feed from outside. Alpinist lodge has a capacity of 50 people […]

Aleko Island, SandrovoCod 2292

Aleko Island has long been united with Marten Island and lies between the Sandrovo village and the small town Slivo Pole, between km 479 and km 472. Together with the island of Batin, Aleko is one of the biggest islands on the Bulgarian Danube. The islander complex falls entirely within  the Natura 2000 code BG0000529 […]
