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The Alpinist’ Lodge, Basarabovo VillageCod 2293

The Alpinist’ Lodge is located on the on the high and rocky river of Rusenski Lom, in Zgaraelitsa, location, at 80 m above the sea level. The Alpinist’ Lodge is a stone building and one level, alpine steep roof and attic. Electricity and water feed from outside. Alpinist lodge has a capacity of 50 people in beds and shared mattresses in bedrooms inside the lodge and 5 bungalows thereof. The bungalows are only used during the summer. The Lodge has a kitchen and a small dining room with TV.
The Alpinist’ Lodge cn be rached from Basarabovo Village /there is a regular bus from Ruse/ – a half an hour by walk (2 km on a road with good asphalt); Ruse city (last station of the Sofia-Ruse and Ruse-Varna railway) – 15 km.

The Alpinist’ Lodge is managed by SC „Pista” – city of Ruse, 7000, 1 „Knyazheska” str., phone 082 / 82-02-71, 82-02-72

Near the Alpinist’ Lodge yo can visit:
The Basarabov rupestral Monastery “Sf. Dimitar Basarabovski ” – 30 min (2 km)
„Prista” Lodge – 6 km
The Ivanovo rupestral Monastery „Sf. Archangel Michael” – 15 km
Rusenski Lom Natural Park
Cherven Fortress, also (The „Red” Fortress)

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