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The settlement near the village PisanetsCod 2318

Pisanets village is located 30 km east of Ruse, Ruse-Razgrad at the end of the road, on the river Beli Lom. Around the village there is a settlement on two old Bulgarian hills, who played a strategic role in the region in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. At that time, the city was equal important with that medieval city Cherven. Pisanets with Cherven, represent a regional center of the ancient Bulgarian industries producing iron ore.

Thracian fortress, ancient and medieval “Malkoto Gradishte” ( “Little Setlement”) or “Balgarskoto Gradishte” ( “Bulgarian Setlement”) is 1.4 kilometers east of the village center Pisanets on the promontory Sanca, surrounded by steep gorge Rusenski Lom river. There is a strong form irregular north-south direction. Along with “Golyamoto Gradishte” ( “Placing Mare”), forming a fortress with two pools like-Tsarevets Trapezitsa. K. Shkorpil described in detail the city with three belts, which now was the southernmost preserved. Its route now appears under embankment, 8-10 m high, sometimes appearing also stones. In the back of the south wall stood two mounds in the form of mounds – here, there were actually two towers (circular and rectangular, says K. Shkorpil). Between themselves is the entering. Front wall overlooking a moat, 3 m wide. On the surface appear preserved buildings destroyed.

Above the neighborhood (slum) Deak you can see one of the two stages of Kralimarkova. Along the Beli Lom river there are plenty of niches and caves, some of which were used for churches and caves. One of them is observed codenamed Istor – as the locals pronounce the name of the inn Isperih.

Inhabited continuously for nearly a millennium, the settlement involves rituals, toponymy, preserved beliefs. Interesting to visit are “pierced stone”, which is on the edge of a forest on the outskirts of the Mogila forest, 2 km southwest of the village. Underneath this is the river and Kamberitsa place across the road, about 50 meters in a straight line is Kanara Kazan ( “Peak Penalty”). The stone is a vertical opening round holes, dug horizontally into a rock, with a regular shape and a diameter of 1 m, depth of 142 cm from ground level. According to researchers, the stone is an object of worship during Bulgarian paganism. Interesting are also vertical rock Mamula to the pond, Great Cave and others.

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