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Horses graves near the village NisovoCod 2322

An interesting SITE near the Nisovo village, municipality of Ivanovo, are the tombs known among locals as novels. Each of these has a cross and interesting inscriptions such as age, social position or even the profession of the deceased. About this, supposely date back centuries XII – XIII, however, due to arhelogical researches unfinished, is not known.
Professor Nikolay Ovcharov has theorized that the graves may have belonged to the Knights Templar, due to the specific shape of the Templar cross that sees much of tombstones, and in 2007 began investigating. According to Director of Regional History Museum in Ruse, PhD. Nenov, the tombs known as “tombs horses” local citizens who are buried died of the plague in the ancient village that is on there. Tombstones are related to the traditions of the Russian school of stonework.

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