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Medieval town of ChervenCod 2295

The medieval town of Cherven is one of the largest centers of military-administrative, economic and the cultural church of the Second Bulgarian Empire (sec. XII XIV). The city was developed on the former Byzantine earlier fortress in VI century. In XIV century, when it reached its development apogee, its territory included the inner city located on a high rocky plateau in the curve of the river Rusenski Lom, and outside city, which occupied the space at its edge. It has a complex system of fortifications built in stages , a a watertight building and a branched road network.
Three-story dome of the western wall has been preserved entirely. The town was alleged as shopping and crafts center, developing the technique for obtaining and proccesing iron and gold, construction, arts crafts, household and others. It was a knot of roads from the Danube River to the interior of the country. After 1235, it became the seat of Cherven Mitropolitan. In its surroundings appears more and more monasteries. In 1388 was conquerred and destroyed by Turks ottomans. In he initial period of Ottoman rule it retains the administrative functions, but its importance gradually decreases. In the seventeenth century it had a period of economic recovery. From here comes the the family called “Baba Tonka Obretenova”.

Cherven is an archaeological site with a significant contribution to the study of medieval Bulgarian culture. The archaeological research foundations were laid in 1910/1911 and in 1961 began to carry out excavations every year. Have been discovered castle, fortress walls, two underpasses for water supply, 13 churches, public and administrative buildings, homes and more significant archaeological discoveries. Among these, it stands out more treasures of coins, decorations, epigraphic monuments, pottery, household items, craft tools, weapons and more. It became a national archaeological reserve since 1965.

Working hours:
every day from 9.00 to 18.00.
Entry fees: for students – 1,00 lv., for individual visitors – 4,00 lv., for groups (more than 5 people) – 3,00 lv., presentation in Bulgarian language – 4,00 lv.

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