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The „Baba Tonka“ Museum, RuseCod 2344

The museum “Baba Tonka” is a key to understanding the exhibition and presentation of the Bulgarian Revival and Ruse role in national maturation processes. Making aestuia contributed by family and Baba Tonka Oberetenov the tasks Renaissance – an independent church movement, education and revolutionary struggle. In this initial version was opened on the initiative of the Bulgarian Communist Party County Committee of Ruse, on 2 June 1958 in honor Cell The seventh Congress of the Bulgarian Communist Party in his home Nikola Obretenov. The building was built between 1907-1908, and in the 30s of the twentieth century, it Obretenov received many guests from the city and the country, which became the premise for transforming his house into a museum house later.
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The museum “Baba Tonka” is located in a building with two floors with the ground floor. It was shown maturation naţiein through education, religious events and rebel conspiracy. The exhibition begins on the second floor, where topics are covered: Baba Tonka and family Obretenov; library “Zora” ( “Dawn”), F. Totyu divisions, P. Hitov St. H. Dimitar and Karadzha; Revolutionary Committee of the Russian Black Water Mist in 1875 and the April uprising of 1876. The Fog of Botev’s urban guest room is shown with family furniture Panayot Hitov driver, kept in the museum.

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