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The Cave Monastery from NisovoCod 2365

Sea cave monastery from Nisovo, “Saints Constantine and Helena” dates from century; XI. It is about 5 km south of the village Nisovo, upstream on the river Mali Lom maluldrept, the Natural Park “Rusenski Lom”. It is considered that this is the greatest of all monasteries in stone of the Lom River Valley.
The road to it is very easy – after the appearance of lush vegetation of spring, the road is covered by the cross. But walking for about an hour and half is valuable because of fresh air with fragrance natural and, therefore, the choir continually birds, and as a result the landscape, and as a result admiration towards people who never had a quiet history.
Glade beneath the stone monastery was never built a place for relaxation.
By the stone monastery is reached by a narrow staircase carved in stone. Vestiges of the complex current stone church and are composed of cells, caves dug as extensions of existing. Rock is observed in places where they caught the wooden posts of additional structures that once existed. One can still see the remains of a medieval frescoes. And the altar dedication esye now ready to see and hear the prayer candle flame humble JV aminitrea its founders.

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