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The antural park Rusenski LomCod 2376

Natural Park “Rusenski Lom” is located 20 km south of Ruse and the Rusenski Lom river named – the last tributary of the Danube river on the right. It was declared a protected area in 1970 and has a total area of 3408 hectares.
The beautiful river terraces, high vertical rocks, caves, rock formations, vast biodiversity and historical monuments park turns into a great place to visit. In addition to that allows scientific research, natural park “Rusenski Lom” offers many opportunities for active tourism and environmentally friendly.

The combination of cliffs, forests, rivers, caves and orchards is why an extraordinarily rich biodiversity. Flora Park “Rusenski Lom” enumărăr 902 species. The fauna is represented by 10 species of amphibians (including 5 protected), 19 reptile species, 22 species of fish, crabs, snails and mussels from the river, 66 types of mammals. One of the greatest wealth is the birds – 190 species, of which 110 species cuibri make their park. Conditions extraordinarily good here are birds who make their nests in rock – the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), Egyptian vulture white (Neophron percnopterus), buzzard (Buteo rufinus) tadoma (Tadorna ferruginea), saker falcon (Falco cherrug) and others.

Various turiştulor allow specially designated routes to get acquainted with the diversity of the park. “Gramovets” is a route that offers the opportunity to explore the beautiful landscape of Lomovete, rich biological diversity and numerous historic sites. The route starts from the archaeological reserve “Ivanovski rock churches” and on a nice road through dense vegetation, reaching rivers Beli and Cherni Lom meeting, which give early Rusenski Lom River. On a dirt road passing under the imposing rocky massifs, inhabited by various species of rare birds, and arrive at a retreat with fireplace. The route has a length of about 12 km.

“Dentropatekata” is a route that tourists get acquainted with the plant species in the park. The total length of the route is 6 km and the starting point is the village Niskovo. The tour starts with a climb on a wide path to a stone platform with a panoramic view of Malki Lom River. It travels on a dirt road right on track with beds arranged for the fire and footbridges across the river. Tourists can Vedra over 20 local species of trees and shrubs, and to help, there are informative plaques. If you want the route can be extended by 4 km and can stop at Golyam Niskovi monastery, where a landscaped rest area.

The park “Rusenski Lom” is and stone churches Ivanovski – SITE learned sup UNESCO protection. Turiştilot particular route acquainted with Ostoros stone churches Ivsnovski and natural park.

All routes are well marked, there are specialized and if the mark is followed strictly, it is not necessarily a guide to the natural park. Guided trip is possible only with preliminary request. The natural park boundaries is prohibited vânătarea and set the fire outside places for it. In the sights of the park inhabited places on informational materials and souvenirs are sold.

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