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House and Museum “Filip Totyu” Dve MogiliCod 2323

The house-museum “Filip Totyu” from Dve Mogili where Bulgaria’s legendary leader, Filip Totyu, spent his last years, who was born on 10 April 1830 in the Greek village slums Voneshta Voda, Veliko Tarnovo district. There is now there the birth house-museum “Filip Totyu”, which is administered by the National Museum of History.

The place is one of the monuments of the Bulgarian national liberation struggles. During his lifetime, Filip Totyu was turned into a legend. A quarter of a century, it sparked terror in Turkish, has survived four death sentences, three times managed to escape from jail guarded and Russian generals have consulted with him about the place where troops pass Danube. Only a few touches are required to outline the silhouette of a Bulgarian worthy of admiration.

In honor of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Filip Totyu and 1300 years since the establishment of the Bulgarian state house that is inhabited by the indomitable Bulgarian spirit and the heart stopped beating high, was converted into a museum. Every year, the day of death of the legendary leader, at his grave flowers are deposited by grateful Bulgarians.

In one of the rooms of the house, it was made an exhibition of personal belongings of Filip Totyu: clock, stick, rifle, coat of arms and photographs and documents relating to his life and work. In the other three rooms was made a remake of the Bulgarian old house interior with original things from the time in which the leader lived.

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