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Fleet Tower, RuseCod 2369

Tower Fleet Ruse is the first fleet observation tower and meteorological station in Bulgaria.

The first meteorological observations in Ruse began on 1 January 1866 at the initiative of the Austro-Hungarian consul, martyr. It was established in 1879 and the Danube Flotilla, a few years later, Lieutenant Commander Captain Zinovia Rozhdestvenski Petrovich has taken actions to purchase specialized equipment for the construction of meteorological stations. As a consequence, December 2, 1883 has been accepted as the date of birth of the Navy Hydrographic Service.

The tower was built in 1885. The project is the work of famous Fleet Tower Italian architect Arnoldo Zocchi, who creay Statue of Liberty in the Russian Tsar Liberator monument and the city of Sofia and the construction of office meteorological station is the work of architect Friedrich Grünanger aaustriac.

Stone tower was built on the ruins of the Turkish Mesihtabiya and stands at one end to a terrace 46 meters from the old mouth of the river Rusenski Lom. It was used as observer ratings on the Danube Flotilla and as meteorlogică station.

In 2001, the tower was renovated. Even astpzi in Tower Fleet operates meteorological station and the Executive Agency for Exploration and Maintenance of the Danube River – Ruse.

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