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The Monument of those fallen in the bulgarian-serbian war, RuseCod 2343

Monument to the fallen in the Serbo-Bulgarian War is in the middle of the market garden “Alexander Battenberg” in the city of Ruse. This is the most admired monuments dedicated to honoring tooth Bulgarian soldier.
The authors are Nikola Lazarov and Zheko Spiridonov.
It was built in honor of the fallen soldiers of the famous Russian infantry regiment V. It is a pillar of granite pedestal on a stereobat three steps. On the front of the column is a bronze statue of an officer down amid flag. Middle row contains the following inscription: “In memory of the fallen officers and lower ranks of the regiment during the Serbo-Bulgarian War in 1885. Built in 1901 by V Infantry Regiment of the Danube at N.K.V.H.R. Parma “. On the walls are stacked pedestal three bronze reliefs with scenes of war.

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