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The Monument of Angel Kanchev, RuseCod 2339

The Monument of Angel Kanchev has been lifted on “Slavyanska” Street in 1994, depicting a revolutionary life-size revolver pointing up.

Angel Kanchev was born on November 11, 1850 in the town of Tryavna. He studied in his hometown and, thereafter, in Russian. He continued his studies as a Fellow at the School Bolhrad (Bassarabia) and subsequently transferred to the Military School in Belgrade.
It established a direct contact with the Bulgarian revolutionary emigration and joined the Second Bulgarian Legion (1868). After its dissolution, it was transferred to Romania and published in the newspaper “Dawn Danube” an appeal to the Bulgarian people by calling him to battle against the Ottoman oppressors.

He learned at the Agricultural-Industrial School in the town of Tabor (Czech Republic) (1870-1871). After his return to Bulgaria, he began work on a model farm at the end of Ruse.
He actively participated in the national revolutionary movement and in the same year was named by the Bulgarian Revolutionary Central Committee in Bucharest’s assistant of Vasil Levski in BRO. At the end of August in the same year, he met with Apostle in Lovech and received from him the task of dealing with organizational activities and agitators in Northern Bulgaria. Briefly managed to carry out a complex activity.

On 5 March 1872 he attempted to return secretly in Romania, but in the port of Ruse was discovered and encircled by Ottoman police. To avoid being caught alive, he took his own life. His last words were: “LONG LIVE BULGARIA “.

Near the site of suicide, was built a monument.
Today, Angel Kanchev’s house was turned into a museum.

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