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Youth Park, RuseCod 2354

Said Pasha’s garden, garden Vladikov Park Saturday – they are some of the biggest names in Russian park, named in various periods. Finally, everyone knows today as Tinererului Park, independently of zilncă here so young and representatives of older generations of residents of Ruse. Approximately half of the twentieth century the century, in exactly the same place was in attendance and a hunting lodge, which was demolished after the Anglo-American bombing aviation. Since 1953 began construction of a new park with walking various entertainment facilities.

Many of the young collective of Russian factories and plants in their best efforts to improve land 30 000 trees and saplings brought from woods on the outskirts of cities Isperih, Kubrat and Dulovo.

The emblem of the park turns “Vase” – a metal structure, filled with one finger as a vazel, whose surface is planted with flowers. When the flowers grow and bloom, give a unique beautiful creation of human mind and hands, which enjoys all around. Nearby is specially made of large pieces of stone and steep paths Alpineum – the favorite place for cyclists. Central alley, which crosses the entire length of the park, drive up to the English High School building, which in the past was a Catholic boarding school. Another driving while scale that descends from the first station we built in 1866, today, “National Museum of Transport”. If you do not have much power to reach Rosary – you’ll be rewarded with a wealth of flavors and colors.

Together with its wealth of invaluable green today Youth Park preserves the oldest monument of Russian. It is called Tsarev Kamaka ( “Tsarev’s Stone”) – a marble column with Arabic inscription that marks the visit of Sultan Mahmud II in the city in 1837. It is therefore also known as Mahmud’s Column.

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