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Yantra River – downstream village BelyanovoCod 2325

Yantra River downstream – from Kolyo Ficheto’s Bridge at the mouth of Byala up near the village of Krivina, there is a favorite place for both tourism lowering kayaks and cycling. The river passes through a series of scenic landscapes along the villages of Dolna Studena, Tsenovo, Beltsov, Belyanovo, Dzhulyunitsa, Novgrad, Kriva and others on some sections forming a canyon outstandingly beautiful envelope with nests of rare birds, caves and mysteries.

At the end of the village Belyanovo there is a stone church from the XII century and there is a interesting linked legend. According to legend, this was the church pof the arson Martin. He had a beautiful wife, who had no equal in beauty. About beauty heard the Pasha of Rousse and asked Martin parson and his wife to be his guests. When the two arrived, they pasha drove the priest away and the woman took her into his harem. Popa Martin has vowed to take revenge, and grew into the company outlaw driver Valchan and for several years they fought for the freedom of Bulgaria. The gold that was captured from the Turkish caravans, he hid in a cave.

Many clubs organize boat trips and adventures with kayaks on Yantra descent to the Danube and down to Ruse. Favorite places for camping are Kolyo Ficheto’s Bridge, village Dolna Studena village Belyanovo – as scenic and beautiful places.

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