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Levent TabiaCod 2327

Levent is a hill situated south of the city of Ruse. It is known also as Sarabair. It has a height of 159 m. This is the highest TV tower in the Balkans – 210 m antenna. There is only preserved fort, “Levent Tabia”. It is a stone fortification (fort fortress) of Russian Ottoman fortress in the nineteenth century. The project is the work of Prussian military engineer – Helmut von Moltke, officer. It hosted a garrison of 3000 people prepared for self-defense.

After the War of Liberation, it was converted into a warehouse of weapons and ammunition in the Danube fleet. From here, guns could shoot the Romanian shore. During the Second World War, there was an anti-aircraft battery located, Zenith.

Under the terms of the Peace Treaty of Berlin in 1878, all fortresses of the Principality of Bulgaria were destroyed. From the Rouschouk fortress was left only the Kyuntu Kapu gate pinned in iron. On February 22, 1887, there were executed death condamned officers involved in the uprising.

After the dissolution of the Danube military fleet in 1961, for several years, the fort was left a stray. It was later turned into a restaurant. Now the fort was converted into a wine cellar and a luxury and attractive restaurant, “Levente” – property of “Heavy Club” part of Prista Oil.

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