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Thracian tomb, city of BorovoCod 2385

The grave in the town of Borovo (full name “Grave of gent aristocratic fourth century BC them) are in the center (near SOU – Secondary School” Sv. Limenta Ohridski “) and is one of the most popular tourist attractions visited in municipality.
In 1974, in the “SIRV Tepe” 2-3 km northwest of the town of Borovo (at that time still sat) was Thracian silver treasure discovered all too valuable (Silver Treasure Borovo). This aroused the interest of scholars and then began digging and research activities of the mounds in the region Borovo.
In 1995, in one of the mounds in the “Cherni Mogili – mounds Black” (4 km north of Borovo, near the village Bolovo), it was discovered structre built. Unfortunately, apart from that of the scribes he was raised and “interest” jefuirorilor. Specialists from the Russian Museum of History (Russian RIM) studies were conducted rescue, and in 1996, the tomb was unearthed and opened to visitors. The tomb has been studied and identified – type “Macedonian”, built of limestone blocks well processed.
The danger raids hunters treasure and destruction and forced archaeologists to cover the new lens with the earth, and in 2007 the municipality Borovo sought the help RIM – Russian for moving structure within the boundaries of the city and turn it into a tourist attraction. To this end, it undertook an operation to disassembly, transportation and reassembly of the stone structure, unique for Bulgaria.

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