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Batin IslandCod 2298

Batin Island – Bulgarian island, located near the Batin village between the 529,3 km and km 523, Falls entirely within the protected area Natura 2000, Batin code BG0000232, area protected under the Habitats Directive, which overlaps with the protected area under the Birds Directive, fish and bears, BG0002024 code. The area covers the entire island, the nearby island of Doychov and the whole side of the Danube from all parts of the island and a significant part from Ruse city direction.

Batin Island falls the territory of the Danube for hunting and fishing, its access being limited and possible only with the consent of Hunting Fund Administration. In Batin village live in quite a lot of fishermen who can provide a tour of the island with fishing boats, and between the village and the river there is a a panoramic ridge with wonderful places for camping near a fountain, with pavilions and barbecue places.

On the island is one of the most luxurious hunting lodges in northern Bulgaria. For accommodation, reservations, conditions and other information, it is necessary to contact the Fund Administration Hunting on Danube.

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