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Masters Association in folk crafts, RuseCod 2297

Masters Association in folk crafts, Ruse (ZMNHZ), is an unic Bulgarian organisation, established 40 years ago, whose main purpose is to preserve, develop and popularize folk crafts as part of the cultural heritage of Bulgaria.

The national „Association of Masters in Folk Crafts” (ZMNHZ) is at this moment the oldest association of craftsmen in service from Bulgaria.
ZMNHZ was founded in 1967 and, despite the vicissitudes of social and political evolution, it is in service today. This is because the association was gradually transformed from a professional organization in an artistic one. Its main purpose is the preservation and development of traditional handicrafts, focusing on their craft skills – this mixture between the application and refinement that makes you smile. Another important task of this Association is the training of new artisans and discovery of new talents to continue the authentic traditions of national crafts.

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