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The Monument of those fallen in the bulgarian-serbian war, RuseCod 2343

Monument to the fallen in the Serbo-Bulgarian War is in the middle of the market garden “Alexander Battenberg” in the city of Ruse. This is the most admired monuments dedicated to honoring tooth Bulgarian soldier. The authors are Nikola Lazarov and Zheko Spiridonov. It was built in honor of the fallen soldiers of the famous […]

Sailor’s Monument, RuseCod 2342

Unique of its kind in Bulgaria, the sailor’s monument was inaugurated in the city of Ruse, on 19 December 1930, in the courtyard of the barracks fleet where, at the time, was based on the Danube flotilla – the beginning of the Bulgarian Navy. The monument is located immediately above the exhibition Sexaginta Prista Roman […]

Monument of Lenin, the village NovgradCod 2341

Novgrad village was established after 1388 by local Bulgarians survivors, after the destruction by the Ottomans to the existing one near the city Neokratsko (Novakresni). The fortress was built by the Byzantines during the Byzantine domination, and later, with the revival of the Bulgarian State was renamed Novgrad. Citadel is 4 km northeast of the […]

Monument lui Panayot Volovei, ByalaCod 2340

Monument Panayot Volovei was lifted near the intersection roundabout near Belenski bridge. Following the celebration of 137 years since the disappearance of the revolutionary, on 22 May 2013 in the city of Byala, with an official ceremony, the restored monument was unveiled, with the bust of Panayot Volovei. Panayot Volovei is among the initiators, founders […]

The Monument of Angel Kanchev, RuseCod 2339

The Monument of Angel Kanchev has been lifted on “Slavyanska” Street in 1994, depicting a revolutionary life-size revolver pointing up. Angel Kanchev was born on November 11, 1850 in the town of Tryavna. He studied in his hometown and, thereafter, in Russian. He continued his studies as a Fellow at the School Bolhrad (Bassarabia) and […]

Monument of the band of Hadzhi Dimitar and Stefan KaradzhaCod 2338

In the summer of 1868, the leaders of Hadzhi Dimitar and Stefan Karadzha led a band of about 130 people. The plan provides that, after reaching the Bulgarian Earth, to declare mutiny and fog to serve as a catalyst for a general liberation movement. Once you have completed preliminary training, the rebels gathered in the […]

Freedom Monument – RuseCod 2337

The Freedom Monument in Ruse was designed in the early twentieth century by the italian sculptor Arnoldo Sochi, but was made by Georgi Kiselinchev. With the passage of time, it has become one of the symbols of the city and is part of its emblem. The composition is pyramidal. At peak, the statue represents the […]

The Monument Baba Tonka, RuseCod 2336

Tonka Obretenov was borned in 1812 in the village of Cherven, Ruse. Her parents are Toncho Postavchiyata and Minka Toncheva. He was married to a tailor and merchant, known in Russian, Tiho Obretenov (1831). The result of their marriage were five boys and two girls. She was involved in organizing the national liberation struggle. She […]

Monument of Elias Canetti, RuseCod 2335

Elias Canetti’s monument was inaugurated in 2015, the 110th anniversary of the birth of famous fiction and playwright. The monument is located in the central part of Ruse and is the work of renowned sculptor, prof. Georgi Chankanov. It weighs 2 tons and a half. The writer is bent over books and an owl whispers […]

Monastery of Saint Mary, Karan Varbovka villageCod 2334

Karan Varbovka monastery of “St. Marina “is located near the Varbovka Karan village, 22 km from the town of Dve Mogili, about 55 km south of Ruse. To the monastery from Karan Varbovka you can reach from Karan Varbovka village on a paved road that follows the flow of the river Cherni, the distance of […]
