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The Monument of Petre Ivanovici, BăileștiCod 1293

The monument is built up in the memory of Petre Ivanovici (the 4th of September 1898, Băilești – the 1st of February 1936, Comereva), one of the most known Romanian aviators from the inter-war period. Flying instructor at the Instruction Center of the Romanian Aerial Navigations (military) from Tecuci and the civil flying school of […]

The Park of Youth, BăileștiCod 1292

The Park of Youth from Băilești is one of the most important tourist attraction points from the city. In the year 2012, the park was renovated by the means of some financial supported projects by the European Commission being added banks, piers, plantings with trees and scrubs, gazeboes, artesian well. Moreover, the green areas were […]

The Plain Museum, BăileștiCod 1291

The museum was founded in 1970, by the coming of C. Câșlaru from the Museum of Oltenia – Craiova, with a permanent exposition of ethnography. In 1975 there is realized also the permanent exposition of the history department. In 1993 the museum receives its actual name. The museum presents archeology collections: ceramics and tools belonging […]

The Saint Nicholas Church, BăileştiCod 1290

The church was built in the year 1845 having the titular saint of Saint Nicholas. Throughout the time, there were made restorations on the church in the years: 1934, 1965 and 1992. In the year 2008, from the initiative of the parish priest Gabrilă Costel and the priest Catană Ciprian there was reconditioned in total […]

Amza Pellea House Museum, BăileștiCod 1289

Today, at his house museum, “built in the year 1908, having two rooms and a lobby”, you actually find “two rooms in one”: the one in which there was born and raised the genius of the Romanian cinematography and the one of Nea Mărin, a role created by Amza Pellea, a character who ironized when […]

Assumption of Mary Church, BăileştiCod 1288

The “Assumption of Mary” church from the municipality of Băilești started to be built up from the foundation on the 8th of July 1885 and it was finished on the 5th of September 1887. The principal founder of the church is the Prince Alexandru Barbu Știrbei. The prince Barbu Alexandru Știrbei (1872 – 1946) was […]

The Assumption of Mary Church, Apele ViiCod 1287

The Assumption of Mary church was built around the year 1863, in the shape of a cross, having as a titular saint the Assumption of Mary, Mother of Jesus. Together with the renovation of the church, there was also added as titular saint, Saint Nicholas. Saint Nicholas. All the biographic elements are late and doubtful. […]

The Saint Nicholas Church, Amărăștii de JosCod 1286

Saint Nicholas Church was built in the year 1843, in the shape of a cross, with the help of the church goers. The titular saint of the church is Saint Nicholas. All the biographic elements are late and doubtful. Saint Nicholas from Mira is mentioned for the first time in the VIth century, in the […]

The Saint Voivodes Church, Amărăștii de JosCod 1285

It is the oldest church from the commune, with the titular saints of Saint Archangels Michael and Gabriel. A first place of worship existed here even in the XVth century, but after it reached the state of ruin, it was redone in the XVIIth century and then expanded in 1759. Near the old church there […]
