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The Mausoleum of the Filișanu Family, FiliașiCod 1393

The mausoleum – chapel was built between 1865 – 1868 by the architect Theofil von Hansen, also responsible for the extraordinary chapel from the Știrbey property from Buftea. At a closer look, the two esthetic constructions are very much alike. The one from Dolj was built in the neo – gothic style with Italian influences. […]

Saint Nicholas Church, FiliașiCod 1392

The church was built, as it is believed, at the beginning of the XVIIth century, namely between the years 1630 – 1650 and it is supposed to be founded by the family Dumitru Filișanu. It presents the character of the constructions from the XVIIth century. It is built from brick and whitewash in the shape […]

The Bust of Anton Pann, FiliașiCod 1391

The bust was built up in the memory of Anton Pann, born around the years 1796 – 1798 in the locality Sliven from Bulgaria. In the winter of 1812, he arrives, together with his mother, at Bucharest. Poor and without acquaintances among the inhabitants, because of his angel voices, he is firstly a sexton at […]

Saint Dumitru Church, FiliașiCod 1390

“Saint Dimitrie the Chrism Giver” from Filiași is one of the principal emblems of the city. The foundation stone of the place of worship was set in the year 1924, but the hardship of the times were blocked by its building up, the church being finished in the year 1965, being consecrated by the worthy […]

The Mitre Arambașa Museum, DăbuleniCod 1389

The Museum Mitre Arambașa from Dăbuleni was inaugurated in the year 2016, having at its base an investment supported financial by the means of the programs of the European Union. Mitre Arambașa was one of the biggest culture people from Oltenia. He also contributed to the execution of essays, prose, being passionate of archeology and […]

Saint George Church, DăbuleniCod 1388

In the center of the locality Dăbuleni there is situated the “Saint George” Church, which has two parishes. The place of worship was built in 1817 by “the endeavor and the expense of the mister boss Gheorghe and the boss Hagi Enus”, as it is written on the inscription from above the access door in […]

Saint Nicholas Church, DăbuleniCod 1387

Near the Brâncovenești establishments, in the year 1910 there was finalized the construction of the Saint Nicholas Church, under the shape of a cross and having as titular saint the saint with the same name. After 48 years from the building up of the church with the titular saint of Saint Nicholas and the Healing […]

Buzești Brothers National College, CraiovaCod 1386

The high school was named after three landowners, the Buzești brothers Preda, Radu and Stroe Buzescu, who were the most inseparable and strongest military supporters of King Mihai Viteazul. Their noble blood came from 1461. Between 1590 and 1600 bravely fought bravely, several times, in the Christian army of King Mihai Viteazul against the Turkish […]

The Memorial House Cioraianu, CraiovaCod 1384

The Memorial House Cioroianu is one of the buildings included on the list of tourist objectives of the county of Dolj, being built at the beginning of the XXth century. Adrian Mihai Cioroianu was born on the date of the 5th of January 1967, in the municipality of Craiova. He attended the courses of the […]
