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The Memorial House Cioraianu, CraiovaCod 1384

The Memorial House Cioroianu is one of the buildings included on the list of tourist objectives of the county of Dolj, being built at the beginning of the XXth century.

Adrian Mihai Cioroianu was born on the date of the 5th of January 1967, in the municipality of Craiova. He attended the courses of the Faculty of History from the University of Bucharest (1988 – 1993), the master’s degree in history (“Diplome d’Etudes et des Recherches Approfondies”) at the University Laval from Quebec, Canada (1996 – 1997) and doctorate studies in history at the University Laval from Quebec, Canada (1997 – 2002), finalizing by sustaining the thesis with the title the Myth, the Image and the Cult of the leader in the communist Romania. Also, he was also a scholar at the College the New Europe (2001 – 2002).

After graduating the faculty, he became a member of the teaching staff at the Faculty of History within the University of Bucharest, currently having the educational degree of lecturer. Also, he was a teacher at the PRO College from Bucharest (1998 – 2007), redactor at the magazine “Dilema veche” (1998 – 2007) and redactor at the Sports Gazette. He executed the shows “the Hour of history” (Realitatea TV, 2000); “Chiasma, Dialoguri PAX” (PAX TV, 2003) and “Totul la vedere” (TVR 1).

Adrian Cioroianu published studies and articles in the following newspapers and magazines: “Lettre International”, “Dosarele Istoriei”, “Suplimentul de Cultură”, “Ziua”, “GEO” (ediția românească), “Sfera Politicii”, “Cotidianul”, “Revista 22”, “Dilema veche”, “Radio România”, “Gazeta de Sud”, “Monitorul de Neamț”, “Adevărul de Arad”, “Formula AS”, “Evenimentul Zilei”, “Opinia studențească”, “Lumea Ieșeanului”, “Cuget liber”, “Revista de Politică Externă”. He is a member of the Group for Social Dialogue and of the Society Timișoara.

Adrian Cioroianu entered into politics in the year 2002, becoming a member of PNL and taking over the function of counsel of the liberal president from those times, Theodor Stolojan. Following the elections from November 2004 he was chosen as senator of Timiș on the lists of the parliament group of the Alliance “Justice and Truth PNL – PD”. In the quality of senator, he was member of the Commission for culture, arts and means of mass informing of the Senate of Romania, fulfilling for a period of time the occupation of vice-president. Also, he is a member of the Parliament commission of investigation regarding the execution of a parliament control regarding the activity of the Romanian Society of Television and the Romanian Society of Broadcasting.

In September 2005 he is designated as observer of the European Parliament from Brussels. After the adherence of Romania at the European Union from the 1st of January 2007, he fulfilled the function of member of the European Parliament, member in the Alliance of the Liberals and of the Democrats for Europe (ALDE) and vice-president of the ALDE Group from the European Parliament. As member of the European Parliament he was a member of the Commission of external politics of the European Parliament. At the Extraordinary Congress of PNL from the 12th – the 13th of January 2007, he was chosen vice-president responsible with the European businesses. Starting with June 2008 he is interim president of PNL Timiș.

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