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The Bust of Horia Vintilă, SegarceaCod 1412

The bust was built up in the memory of Horia Vintilă.

He was born in the year 1915, in the locality Segarcea, the county of Dolj – Oltenia. He started the primary school at Râmnicu Sărat and he finished it at Bucharest. He graduated the College Saint Sava. He studied at the Faculty of Law, in parallel with the one of Letters and Philosophy.

Like many other Romanian intellectuals of worldwide caliber with similar paths, Cioran, Eliade and Noica, Horia was attracted by the right extreme.

He was, during six months, cuzist and he collaborated in the period 1937 – 1941 with the anti-Semite magazine Sfarmă – Piatră.

In the years 1940 – 1945, when Vintilă Horia lived at Rome and Vienne, he was parts of the Romanian diplomacy, as head of the cabinet at the Ministry of Propaganda and, further on, press officer at Rome.

The representation at Rome was interrupted in the years of the administration of the Romanian state by the alliance between the government of the marshal Ion Antonescu and by the legionaries. He came back in the diplomacy, this time at Vienne. When Romania turns the weapons against Germany (August 1944), Vintilă Horia and his wife, Olguța (born in Teohari), are committed in a German concentration camp.

At the end of the war, the two husbands leave in Italy.

Here, Vintilă Horia knows Giovanni Papini, writes and publishes in Italian magazines, but the hard economical situation of the post – war Italy determines him to go away further on, in Argentina (the spring of 1948). He will stay in Buenos Aires until March 1953, when he comes back in Europe, and namely in Spain, where he has a literary activity supported and he makes himself known.

In 1946, the People’s Court from Romania condemned him to contempt of court at 25 years of hard work, for crimes of war, pursuant to the Law 312/1945, art. 2: “they put themselves in the service of Hitlerism or Fascism and contributed by their own facts at realizing their political purposes or at serving the economical life of the country in the disadvantage of the interests of the Romanian people”.

The Panel which convicted Vintilă Horia was formed by: president: Al. Voitinovici; members: 2 “judges of the people”, 2 teachers, 1 worker, 1 ”delegated judge”, 1 court clerk, 1 public accuser and only one magistrate.

The daughter of the writer, Cristina Horia, initiated a judiciary action in order to abolish this sentence issued by a political court of soviet type.

Vintilă Horia dies in 1992.

The Local Council of the city Segarcea (county of Dolj), by the means of the Decision no. 60 of the 27th of November 2015, attributed him the title of honor citizen – post mortem.

At the request of the Institute Elie Wiesel, his title was removed on the 10th of February 2016.


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