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Saint Nicholas Coast Church, SlatinaCod 1661

The parish church was built and painted between 1883-1889, being founded by merchant Iorgu Anghelescu with the amount of 15,000 gold coins, which he bequeathed to Slatina’s City Hall, with the mention that should be used only for building a Church. It was built on the place of a church that had the same patron, dating back to 1700 and being called St. Nicholas from the Fair, because between the church and the current city hall was organized the Fair of the week. The church’s inscription is a testimony of the dates mentioned:
The church was „[…] built from the groung in 1881-1886 from the amount of 15000 gold coins beaqueated by COL.(r) and merchant Iorgu Anghelescu […]raised in the memory of his brother, Nicolae Angelescu, dead in the war of independence (1877-1878) on the place of another church built in 1700 “.
The masonry and roof of the present church were finished in 1887, and after that the artist Tache Ionescu, executed the first painting,to the lower register down to its wais,t in gray color, the upper part not being painted at the moment. The church was ennobled with a sculpted oak wood iconostasis, carved by the School of Arts and Crafts in Craiova, in the years 1888-1889 under the direction of Nicholas Lepăduşu. Consecration of the church was made by Gennadius the Second, Bishop of the diocese of Râmnic.
In 1917 the church was bombed by German artillery, destroying its biggest tower, reason for which has remained closed until 1931, when former Foreign Minister of Romania, Nicolae Titulescu, together with the judge instructor of Court Ilfov, George Stratulat, along with a church council, have restored tower
construction, covered the church again and was executed the second painting by the artist Florea Stefan Udrişte in 1935, being executed the paintings in the upper register. The church was reconsecrated and put into service by Gregory Lion of Argeș, in 1936.

The earthquake of March 4, 1977 the church was severely damaged, fact that led to extensive consolidation and restoration works between 1982 to 1984, the frescoes were washed and retouched by the painter Andrei Denski (1982-1983). It was reconsecrated by Bishop vicar P.S. Gherasim Cristea, empowered by Bishop Joseph Gafton of Râmnic and Arges.
Following some major works on the church including the restoration of the painting by Gheorghe Diaconul by the care of Pr Corceagu Constantin, in 1999 the church was reconsecrated by P.S. Gherasim, Bishop of Râmnic.

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