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Church of St. Basil, CaracalCod 1583

St. Basil Church was founded by Costache Greceanu great medelnicer (a boyar with no rank), his wife and patron Constantine the harness maker. The first historical dating of the church is from 1829.The church was rebuilt in 1870. Other repairs were made in 1924 and 1936. Also, following the earthquake in 1977 was made the repair to the interior and exterior. In 1980 was recovered with tin the board, and in subsequent years has been restored the painting. The last repairs have been made in 2007, 2008 and 2010.

St. Basil, Bishop of Caesarea, is one of the most important fathers of the Orthodox Church and one of the greatest Christian theologians. Was born in Pont around year 329 and died in Caesarea on January 1st, 379.

He came from a well-known Christian family, his father Basil the Elder was a renowned teacher in Pont and his sister Macrina and his brother Gregory of Nyssa also became saints. St. Basil studied at Caesarea, Constantinople and Athens, standing out, since being a young man by intensive knowledge in philosophy, astronomy, geometry, medicine and rhetoric.

In Athens has tied a close friendship with Gregory of Nazianzus who was always impressed by his deep intelligence and spirit. St. Basil then became a brilliant professor at NeoCezarea.

Under the influence of his sister Macrina, Basil came closer to the church and the bishop of Caesarea, Dianius who appreciated him very much, encourages him to accept a church service. In seeking solutions for perfection, Basil visits many monasteries from Egypt, Syria, Palestine and Mesopotamia. Upon returning to Pont, he founds a monastery on the banks of the Iris. His writings from that period lay the foundations systematic monastic life and that is why St. Basil is considered the father of oriental monachism.

After the death of Dianius, Eusebius becomes bishop and in turn tries to convince Basil to become a priest, and ultimately gives him a high office job in the ward, which gives him an opportunity to show at fullness his great intellectual and spiritual qualities.

He begins a fierce polemic against Arianism and other heretical movements.

On 14th June 370, St. Basil is elected bishop of Caesarea, his most important supporter being Gregory Nazianzus. In this high position, he was also the the Metropolitan of Pontus, of Cappadocia and Exarch of Pontus, its authority stretching from the Balkans, the Mediterranean, Aegean Sea and up to the Euphrates.

He has made an enormous effort to organize the church and fought for the rights of the clergy, while putting great emphasis on thorough canonical and spiritual preparation of the priests.

St. Basil gave a great attention to the world’s poor and oppressed, initiating countless acts of charity.

St. Basil dies in 379, and at his funeral participates huge number of Christians, Hebrew, pagans, locals and foreigners as evidence of his great popularity.

St. Basil is celebrated on January 1st and also on January 30th along with St. John Chrysostom (Chrysostom) and St. Gregory (Nazianzus) (Three Hierarchs – holiday decreed in 1081 by John Patriarch of Constantinople in the memory of these three great saints and Orthodox theologians).

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