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„Holy Trinity” Church, CaracalCod 1581

The Holy Trinity Church has been known, for a long period of time as the Red Church because it was built of brick and functioned for a long period of time unplastered outside.

The church was built in 1647 (7155) by Pan Pascal vel Capitan, having the shape of a vessel, being restored by Varlaam Condicaru. A memorial from 1853 reminds us of Mihai Viteazul, Matei Voda, Radu V. and Ştefania Monachie. On a marble plaque above the entry is mentioned that “this holy church was rebuilt, entirely by her, lady Stana wife of the deceased Mihai Moga Dincă, in 1881”. This restoration has changed the shape of the church, from that vessel to a cross shape, with an area of 130 square meters, height of 9 m, the bell tower being 16 m high. We find the entire history of the church in the inscription on the right side of the entry, in which it is said “By Father’s will, by Son’s help and with the work of the Holy Spirit, it has been built from ground this holy and divine church, dedicated to the” Holy Trinity “in the year of salvation 1646 by Pan Pascal Captain. In 1881-1882 it was restored by lady Stana, wife of the deceased Mihail Moga Dincă, giving it a cross shape, when its  painting was done again in oil technique by Mihalache Dragomirescu from Bucharest.

The painting was repaired again in 1937 by painter Velici of Turnu-Severin, when have been done all ornamentation in oil technic. ”

The original painting of the church was made in the Renaissance style by Mihalache Dragomirescu, a disciple of the great painter Gh. Tătărăscu in 1871, as can be read in a corner of the stage that presents the Carrying the Holy Cross. On the left of the entry, in the narthex is a portrait of P.S. Iosif Bishop of Râmnic and on the right are the portraits of lady Stana Dincă Moga, P.S. Gherasim Bishop of Râmnic and P.C. Pr. Dimitrie Coconu, the last two paintings being executed during the restoration in 1998.  This was the year when was built in the continuation of the church, a porch where there are placed the candlesticks with candles, which helps protect the painting. Around the church have been several graves, but with the restriction of the land in favor of the construction of residential buildings, it came to be preserved a single Holy Cross onto which is written: “Here lie Andrei and his wife Constantina – 1866”.

First documentary attestation of Caracal town, in a charter, dated of November 17th (XI) in 1538.

Located in the plain of Romanaţi, Caracal is full of relics that prove the habitation of this land since prehistory. Archaeological findings are proof from the times of Paleolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age. It is located between the ruins of the Roman fort Romula (com. Resca, north of Caracal) and the city Sucidava (Corabia).

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