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Neamțu Mansion, OlariCod 1697

Neamţu mansion in Olari appears in the list historical monuments from of Olt County county drafted by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Romania in 2010. The building was the home of the landlord Neamţu C. Constantin, one of the founders of Craiova Commerce Bank (the current headquarters of City Hall in Craiova) – Societe Anonyme.
Around 1600 the estate belonged to the boyars Hamzea and Caplea , who then sold it to the landlord Calotă. The estate then passed to Stefan Pârşcoveanu, great governor during the Austrian occupation. At 1777 this one left it to his daughter, Măricuța as dowry, at her marriage with cavalry commander Cantacuzino. Măricuța, at its turn, over the years, left it to her daughter, Joiţa, as dowry, at this one’s marriage to Constantine Lăzaru the cupbearer, after she left her first husband. The cupbearer Constantin Lăzaru then beaqueted it to his grandson, Marcu Zissi, married to Anastasia. Marcu and Anastasia had two daughters, Sultana and Elena (married to Elefterie Cornetti, former director of the National Bank of Craiova) and a boy, George. George Zissi, schooled with his sister, Elena, in Paris, although he would have traveled throughout the world, lived most of his life at the estate of Olari. George Zissi got married to Maria, a schooled woman who, when she returned with him at the mansion, she became doctor of the village Olari. His sister, Elena Cornetti, was the founder of the School of Music in Craiova and of the Foundation Cornetti. But when she and her husband Elefterie died, Elena left the entire fortune to Commune Craiova, to support the foundation. From the Official Gazette on May 21, 1895, we learn that George Zissi tries to sell his lot of the share, and that he owed to his sister’s Sultana heirs, the amount of 30,000 lei.
For a while George Zissi, the brother alive, tried to buy back the half of the mansion and of the estate, but then succumbed to the Craiova commune his share of the mansion, also. In 1911, the Craiova City Hall offered for sale, at an auction, the Mansion and half of the estate, bought by Constantin C. Neamţu. The mansion being in a slight state of degradation, Neamţu asked Mincu and Iotzu who were involved in the construction of the headquarters of the Trade Bank of Craiova, to help him with the restoration of the mansion.
In 1948, when the Communists came, the mansion was nationalized, the owner being chased. For a while the mansion served as headquarters for Olari Agromec agricultural society. It then worked as a kindergarten and as ambulance.
After the 1989 revolution, one of the sons of landlord, Serban Neamţu claimed the mansion and this was given back to him, donating it in 2005, to the Union of Architects of Romania (UAR) provideing its restoration and its maintenance in good condition.

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