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Nicolae Ceaușescu’s Memorial House, ScorniceștiCod 1652

In the Scorniceşti city is the house where was born on 26 January 1918 Nicolae Ceausescu, who was the cradle of golden era for the a long period.
The house where Nicolae Ceauşescu was born was built around 1890 and refurbished in 1979. In addition to original furniture which belonged to Ceausescu, in the house are specific objects of that period, traditional shirts, pots, chests. The room on the left are pictures of family and a painting of Ceausescu at the age of 14, from when he was arrested, received as gift in the first years of leadership.
Ceausescu family was a peasant family with 10 children. His father, Andruță had 3 hectares of land, a few sheep and supported the family of tailoring. His mother, Alexandrina (born Lixandra) was an obedient and hard working woman. Their house had two rooms and their basic food was polenta. Nicolae attended four classes in the village school where the professor teached in a single hall, simultaneous courses for students of several classes. Little Ceausescu had no books and often went to school barefoot. He had no friends, was nervous and unpredictable. At age 11 after graduating from primary school Ceausescu went to Bucharest, where he was hired as an apprentice cobbler. Alexander Săndulescu active member of the RCP has initiated his disciple in conspiracy missions.
In November 1933 he became a member of the Communist Youth Union of Romania political formation working underground at the time. He was arrested, for the first time in 1933 because of communist propaganda during a strike. In 1934 it was attracted in the District Committee from Negru where he worked until August when he was assigned to work in the anti-fascist movement. In 1934 it was attracted in the District Committee from Negru where he worked until August when he was assigned to work in the anti-fascist movement. Arrested again, three times – for collecting signatures in support of eliberating from prison some railway workers accused of communist activity and for other similar actions, but it was immediately put in freedom. Following these arrests, is labeled by the authorities of that time as “dangerous communist agitator” and also as “active distributor of communist and fascist propaganda.” After the release from arrest, Ceausescu disappeared for a while, recounting in his postwar autobiography that activated in the communist networks from Olteniţa and “regional Prahova” (what in the interwar organization of Communist Party of Romania meant the counties Dambovita and Prahova). Nicolae Ceausescu was a Romanian communist politician, the general Secretary of the Romanian Communist Party, Head of State of the Socialist Republic of Romania from 1967 until the fall of the communist regime, which occurred in December 22, 1989. On 22 December 1989, through a decree of NSFC signed by Ion Iliescu, it was constituted The Exceptional Military Court. On 25 December 1989 the husbands Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu were tried in a summary trial by this court, sentenced to death and executed within minutes after sentencing.In July 2015, Romania banned by law “the cult of Ceausescu”.

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