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The Church „Holy Trinity”Cod 1627

The parish church dedicated to the “Holy Trinity”, was built in 1872 by Mihail Izvoranu and Vasilica Dumitru. The inscription indicates that the building began on June 15, 1871 and was completed in October 15, 1872 and was conducted by Mihalache Izvorani in memory of his family. Was strengthened plastered and painted during the Most Holy Priest Patriarch Iustin Moisescu and Bishop of Râmnic and Arges Gherasim Piteşteanu. The inscription was painted in 1985 by artist Guriţă.
The youth center from Izvoarele, operates inside parish house situated in the churchyard, near the place of worship. Although small, the center is very welcoming and exudes a welcoming warmth. On the walls guard, several icons, where saints with thei gentile and lenient gaze seem to protect the souls of those who gather, here, everytime. The benches are placed along the walls, or grouped by four, as they have activities jointly or in groups. Among the activities that are organized in the parish house at “Innovative Educational Center Choose the School !” Izvoarele we enumerate:
– religious film screening and individual or group disscutions
– artistic circle: quilling, origami, pyrogravure, napkin technique, technique icon
– interactive catechesis and preaching
– specific activities of educational toolkit “Choose the School”
– celebrations with the ocassion of major holidays.
The commune Izvoarele was and remains Golgota of the Olt county, with most of those martyrs who gave tribute of blood in communist prisons.
January 14, 1961 was the day when peasants in Izvoarele arose, went from the City Hall took all collectivization requests and destroyed them, then they banished the communists out of there. Immediately came the Army and Security, who opened fire on people. In a meanly way, during the nignt, , the militiamen made massive arrests. Were arrested at the local Cultural Centre, over 150 people who – later – were selected, 48 of them arriving in communist prisons in Pitesti and Periprava.

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