Constantinidi villa was built in 1905 in style metro station “Karlsplats” in Vienna with planimetric and decorative elements in the Art Nouveau style. Also the architecture is inspired by the Prague Municipal Palace.
Currently, this building houses a branch of the Constanta County School Inspectorate.
Art Nouveau is the French name of what was called the architecture “Art 1900”. It consists in abandoning historical styles and curdling attempt of a style consistent with the technical possibilities of the era and integration of art in society It is stated in various European countries not only as an architectural movement, but in all areas of art.
An important contribution of “1900 art” was translated into the functional rationality of achievements and the loads full of fantasy of indoor and outdoor imaging has opened new customized directions of the architectural solutions worth highlighting. Using, new materials and the same handicraft processing procedures caused a certain style stagnation, especially in decorations and shapes.
Art Nouveau emerged from eclecticism, but not as a continuation of it, but as a an artistic revolution against it. It is the symbol of the modernism and non-conformism, current, which occurs around 1900, a grace year, in all aspects of life not only in art.
Art nouveau can be recognized through undulating line, asymmetrical often ending suddenly and fine, elegant decorations. A characteristic of this style is the harmonious decoration, creation of vibrant facades, hollowed, the use of wrought iron, large glazed surfaces so it can be seen in case of Constanta Casino, which has wrought iron hand railings, many windows and glaswand large windows, white and colored glass. The iron and glass almost entirely replace traditional wooden joinery. The most important Art Nouveau style model in Romania is the Constanta Casino.