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Protected Area “Kopren – Ravno Buche – Deyanitsa-Kalimanitsa”Cod 2185

Kopren protected area – Ravno buche – Deyanitsa – Kalimanitsa – is a protected area in Bulgaria. It is located between the town of Chiprovci and the village of Kopilovtsi and unites four locations of the share Kopilovski of the Western Balkans.

The interesting landscape is represented by the old deciduous and coniferous forests, colored meadows, with a rare and endangered flora, rocks and clear springs and rivers, making a spectacular scenario and attracting hundreds of tourists and wildlife lovers every year. With the permission of MEW were built two eco trails. In the protected area there are two beautiful waterfalls in northwestern Bulgaria – Durshin and Voden Skok, declared natural monuments.
It was declared a protected area on November 30th, 1973 in order to “protect the characteristic landscape” and has an area of 536.4 ha, joining four scenic places of the Kopilovski share in the Western Balkans, municipality of D. Damyanovo.

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