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The “Botev” Park from Kozloduy, KozloduyCod 2726

The spacious Park Botev is expanded on the western part of Kozlodui, in the proximity of the port. It is around the place where in May 1976 Hristo Botev and his detachment debarked from the village Radetzki to the native land.
At 5 kilometers north – west from the center of Kozlodui on the Danube, it is found the vast and well proportionate Park Botev. This is the place where in May 1876 Hristo Botev and his detachment descended on the land, at home. There is a high obelisk made of stone, built in 1936, on which there is written: “He doesn’t die”. It is also kept the old stone cross placed after the Liberation. On the Krushovski Hill in the opposite sense with the eternal green cypress there are registered the initials BC. It is departing in the 120 kilometers of promenade alongside the road from the crest Okolchitsa in Vratsa from the Balkans. It is marked with stones. In each year on the 27th of May, from Kozlodui depart thousand of people, which walk (approximately 5 – 6 days) and arrive at Okolchitsa for participating at the festivities from the national level on the 2nd of June. In the proximity of the port, it is the restaurant – hotel “Radetzky” with a museum in the west wing. Here is the tourist cabin “Kozloduyski”, formed from two buildings with 40 accommodation places in the rooms 2, 3, 5 and more beds. Between the city and the Botev Park there is a bus line. At the west of the port it is the hill area, where it stars the historical place Kozloduyski. It was built at the end of the VIIth century and it has a length of 2.60 meters. It can be reached from Plaha Kozlodui (the Botev Park) alongside a marked path.

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