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The Episcopacy Church “Saint Nicolai”, VratsaCod 2762

The church was built in the period of the year 1865 – 1867. In the temple there are kept the relics of the first bishop from Vrața, after the freeing of Bulgaria from the Ottoman domination, which is why the temple was named Episcopal.
The church has beautiful frescos and icons, among which some of them are painted by Stanislav Dospevski (in 1874), G. and K. Zheliakov Kashev. The iconostasis was made in 1887 by the city’s master Anton Stanișev Debar (Macedonia). A part of the church’s icons represent the Saint Chiril and Metodiu, Saint Knyaz Boris, and others Saint Parascheva.
The church’s chapel describes the Mighty Powerful God and under it there are pendants with four evangelists.

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