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The Severin Port, Drobeta Turnu SeverinCod 1458

Information about the Severin Port can be found even from the XVIIIth century. After the occupation of Oltenia (1718 – 1741), when they already had the intention of building on the same place of the Severin from today the city “Carolina”, the Austrians were already present in the area even from 1829 (the Treaty from Adrianopol), already building in front of the new city, the port and in 1850, the naval building yard necessary for the maintenance of the ships confronted with the difficult crossing of the cataracts and of the cliffs from the defile Porțile de Fier.

In the year 1841, the capital of the county is moved from Cerneți to Turnu Severin. On this occasion, there is moved the Prefecture, the Court and the Police. The modern industries, the waterside installation, the naval building yard give a burst to the economical development in the region as never seen before.

Starting with the year 1859, the Building yard of naval reparations is transformed into a Naval building yard.

Being a principal industrial port to the Danube, in the conditions of the commerce freedom, Turnu Severin facilitated the entrance of the Austrian and Occidental capital by impulsing the change of material values necessary for the economical development of modern Romania.

On the 8th of May 1866, Prince Carol I debarks at Severin in order to take over the command of Romania. Four years later, in 1870, received in the port of Severin with great ostentation, steps for the first time on the land of Romania, Queen Elisabeth (1843 – 1916).

In 1890 at Turnu Severin comes into existence the Romanian Fluvial Service on the Danube (SFR). For the development of the own fluvial traffic, in 1893, the Romanian state buys from the Austrian Steam Navigation Society on the Danube (DDSG) the building yard.

In 1914, with a number of 700 workers, the Naval Building Yard from Severin is the biggest fluvial building yard from the country, and one of the most important building yards from all around the Danube, here being built the biggest fluvial ships of the country: „Principele Carol”, „Giurgiu”, „Călărași”, „Domnul Tudor”. In the year 1915 it is founded the Port’s Harbor Master’s office (until 1990).

In 1918, following the negotiations between Alexandru Marghiloman and the Count Ottokar Czernin (external minister of Austria – Hungary), the naval building yard from Turnu – Severin is assigned for 40 years to the Central Powers, at the expiration of the deadline being able to be made a new assigning. On the 12th of October 1918, 13 ships from the Danube flotilla Austrian – Hungarian receives a stationing order in the port of Severin, in order to ensure the retreat of the Austrian – German armies from the Balkans, operation which will end on the 28th of October 1918.

On the 14th of July 1945 it is founded SovRomtransport, Roman – soviet navigation society of SovRom type (dissolved in 1954) takes place in the context of the armistice closed in 1944 by Romania, with the Soviet Union. Following this fact, the Romanian part will contribute with the free lease by the Soviet Union of the Naval building yard from Turnu – Severin, Constanța and Brăila, the Soviet cargos being situated in an advanced state of depreciation, demanding constant reparations.

Today, the Severin port is under the coordination of the National Company of the Administration of the Ports of the Fluvial Danube SA Giurgiu, being a fluvial type port, allowing the landing of the barges of up to 3000 tones.

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