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Romanescu Bust, CraiovaCod 1341

In 1943, as a tribute brought to the one who closely looked after the execution of the Romanescu Park, at the principal entrance, there was built a bust of N. Romanescu.

Nicolae Romanescu was the mayor of Craiova in the year 1898, 1901 – 1916 and 1929. He was one of the most emblematic figures of the city and he contributed to the development of Craiova at the end of the XXth century.

The mayor Nicolae Romanescu was a descendant of an old family of nobles, and in the year 1883 he was the council of the commune of Craiova. He studied sociology, literature and the law at Paris and Liege. The city father managed to transform Craiova into a symbol city.

The “Romanescu” park, the proof of the love which Nicolae P. Romanescu carried in his heart regarding his city, is the place where the former mayor of Craiova sleeps his forever sleep. Under the belvedere dome or the temple of love, as it is known the construction from the principal entrance in the park, situated on the height Carmen – Sylva, there are the relics of Nicolae Romanescu. He was initially buried in the cemetery Ungureni, but in 1978, the son of the great mayor consented to the inhumation of his relics in the belvedere dome. A plate of bronze situated on the temple of love on which stands written: “Nicolae P. Romanescu born 1855, deceased on the 31st of August 1931. Perseverant father of the city and creator, honor citizen of Craiova”, marks the place. From here un-sleeps the former mayor, as he had wished, over the sound functioning of the works in Craiova.

“In the year 1931, on the 31st of August, the mayor Nicolae Romanescu died. He left with an oath to be buried standing in the feet, not laying, as it is used, in order for him to see from above the city of Craiova, to watch over it, as it is managed and kept and to be taken to the cemetery in an ox-cart, accompanied by young men and young women, dressed in national costumes. To be brought only violet flowers.

It was transported with the ox-cart in which there were carpets with traditional motives. He was covered with thousand of violet flowers.

The young men and the young women dressed in national costumes and the tens of thousands of people from Craiova accompanied at this end of August until the grave arranged at Ungureni. But, he wasn’t standing in his feet, as he would have wanted”, chronicles Petre Gigea Gorun, in his work “The people and the events from Craiova”, following some information which came to him from the two sons of Nicolae Romanescu, Radu N. Romanescu and dr. Nicolae N. Romanescu.

Nicolae Romanescu loved Craiova “like a mother and I would say as a lover, as a promised one, whom we would like to see happier, to raise her above. God help us that, in union and in harmony, to work for the good of our city”, as he himself confessed.

He put Craiova on the map of Europe and he made from the nature a real tourist objective. Visionary of French inspiration, he developed urban proiects in an absolute premiere: public hygiene, healthfulness, sewage, bringing the drinking water, the public lighting, and tramway networks, electricity, parks and pavements.


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