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The Cerneți Village Museum, CernețiCod 1420

The Cerneți Village Museum was founded at the end of 2013, at the initiative of local teacher Florin Grigore Dudaș and of mayor of Șimian, Constantin Trușcă.

The new institution on the map of Mehedinți county is divided in three sections – etnography, history and numismatics – where the county collections are exposed.

For decades, from the eight villages of the town, there were hundreds of items collected. In the peasant houses of the town they no longer exist. They were destroyed, thrown on the fire. With some of them a specific peasant room, the rest are displayed in permanent exhibits.

Proudly displayed is the collection of 30 popular costumes, three of which are over 300 years, also a icon painted with paint from 400 year old plants, a 250 year tub, 200 year old embroideries, wooden apliances just as old.

In the history section there are objects from the neolitic, from the iron age, from the Dacian and Roman periods. All this was found on the Șimian town territory, in archeological sites discovered with some industrial diggings and that today are only signaled in the patrimony list of the Ministry of Culture.

In the glass windows there are guns used in Tudor Vladimirescu’s times and of the two world wars, decorations and different items used by soldiers during the war.

Among the most valuable books displayed there is ‘Abețedarul greco-român’ by Grigore Pleșoianu, who was the first teacher of the first school in the Mehedinți county, set in Cerneți, ‘Istoria lui Alexandru Macedon’ in slavic, with the holograph signature of peot Mihai Eminescu, ‘Poezii postume’ by Mihai Eminescu, edition cured by Alexandru Colorian, ‘Scriitori bucovineni’, 1924 edition, ‘Istoria literaturii române’, by D. Murărașu, ‘Expresivitatea limbii române’ by D. Caracostea, ‘Opere’ by Mateiu I.Caragiale, ‘Teoria poeziei’ by M. Dragomirescu.

The numismatics collection contains pieces of great historical value dating back to the dacians and romans and from other inter war spaces. A special place is reserved the 28 coin treasure, the oldest of which was issued during the roman times and the most recent in 1450.

In the museum the visitor is introduced to a past village world, an eternal world, where the memory of so many people is still alive. Another very important aspect in the museum is the old photography collection, some over150 years old, representing the ancestors’ faces.


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