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The Resort Bala, BalaCod 1512

The resort Bala disposes of appreciable reserves of mineral water and therapeutic mud, being profiled on internal and external treatment. The mineral fountains are found on the Chiciora Valley, a small confluent of the beck Râieni.

The therapeutic mud is used in degenerative rheumatism, articular rheumatism, allergic states after rheumatism or infections, gynecological affections, affections of the peripheral nervous system, muscular  – articular sequela following the traumas.

Therapeutically indications:

  • articular rheumatism;
  • degenerative rheumatism;
  • allergic states following infections or following the acute crisis of rheumatism;
  • gynecological affections;
  • conditions of the peripheral nervous system;
  • post-traumatic sequealae of the muscles and of the articulations.

Treatment resources:

  • natural therapeutic factors and namely meso-thermal fountains weak sulphurous oligometallic;
  • vegetable mud.

Treatment procedures:

  • galvanic baths;
  • baths with heated or cold mineral waters;
  • paraffin wrapping;
  • dia-dynamic currents, ultrasounds;
  • aerosols;
  • therapeutic massage.

Doctor E. Cociașu according to the chemical analysis performed until the year 1970 shows the fact that the water form the fountains from the Bala resort is a hypo – mesothermal mineral water, oligo-mineral, sulphurous, without a chemical dominance.

Besides these fountains, there also exists a muskeg covered by specific vegetation, with therapeutic mud. The vegetable mud is provided by the action of the thermo-mineral waters after the modality of the muddy volcanoes, being many times also accompanied by gas discharge.

Following the analysis of these mineral waters there was determined the oligo-mineral sulphurous character, the sulfured hydrogen having values comprised between 0, 3 and 9 mg/l.

The further analysis performed at Crainici indicated a chlorated, sodium – calcium, brome-iodine chemism, with reduce content in sulphate, specific to the waters with closed structures (deposit waters). The temperatures of these captured mineral fountains indicated values comprised between 17 and 25 degrees Celsius.

These waters aren’t radioactive. The results of the chemical testing have been registered on the 24th of October 1979 by M. Gavrilescu outlining the bicarbonate compositions and of the sulfured hydrogen.

The thermal water has been valorized by the construction of three swimming pools of different dimensions and depths, which are opened throughout the entire period of the summer months, starting with May and until September. On the days of Sunday and during the holidays, at these swimming pools come the citizens from all around the country.


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