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Nistor Fortress, CernețiCod 1425

Built around 1810 by colonel Istrate Sălişteanucu to serve as residence during the farming works, guarding turret of the harvest and shelter during distress times.

It represents the type of tall house with a dam along the entire facade with a wall plate and beautifully sculpted pillars, also having a series of fortresses, that is the tall massive ground floor foreseen with orifices to shoot anf shut with a massive wooden door. Inside there is a basement. An interior stairwell leads to the floor, to the porch and the lings rooms. The porch also has beautifully sculpted pillars. The ceilings and floor are paved with wooden beams and the wrap is covered with shingles. In 1815 it was burned down by the Turkish people together with the town of Cerneţi and after 1821 it was rebuilt by pandour captain Nistor.

In 1974, the Historical Monuments and Art Direction elaborated a restoring project created by arhitect Micaela Adrian. A museum to shlter paesant houses in the Mehedinţi area is desired with no success.

A new attempt to include the building in the tourist circuit of the county hapenned in 2009. At the time, the museum employees worked tirelessly to decorate the building’s inside. The walls were redone, painted and all wooden objects, ceiling and floors treated with preventive pest repellers.

In the building rooms there are even at this time some wooden objects used by peasants more than 200 years ago. Among these there are wine wooden boxes, clay jugs, forks to collect hay, maul for pivam piva, primitive hive, barrels, churnel and other household objects.

Cerneți is a town in Mehedinți county, Oltenia. Before the town of Severin was founded, Cerneți was for many centuries the center of the Mehedinți county, having shops with merchants and Mehedinți landowners’ houses (Glogovenii, Miculeștii, Tudor Vladimirescu etc.). Afterwards Cerneți quickly fell, as such when N. Iorga visited the location, the former town was reduced to a settlement with „short houses”.

Among the local personalities we have Dimitrie Grecescu (1841 – 1910), botanist, doctor, tenured member of the Romanian Academy and Ioan G. Bibicescu (1949 – 1924), publicist, politician, economist, governor of the Romanian National bank.

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