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Saint Parascheva Church, ArgineștiCod 1415

The Saint Parascheva Church from Arginești was built in the year 1928.

Butoiești is a commune in the county of Mehedinți, Oltenia, Romania, formed from the villages Arginești, Buicești, Butoiești (the residence), Gura Motrului, Jugastru, Pluta, Răduțești and Țânțaru. In Butoiești there are comprised the small villages Popești, Ștefanu and Tabla.

According to the census performed in the year 2011, the population of the commune Butoiești was up to 3.344 inhabitants, decreasing from the previous census from 2002, when there were registered 3.542 inhabitants. The majority of the inhabitants are Romanian (92, 91%), with a minority of Gypsies (4, 16%). For 2, 9% of the population, the ethnical affiliation isn’t known. From the confessional point of view, the majority of the inhabitants are Orthodox (92, 85) %), with a minority of Pentecostals (4, 04%). For 2, 9% of the population, the confessional affiliation isn’t known.

One of the most important personalities of the locality is Constantin Rădulescu – Motru (1868 – 1957), philosopher, psychologist, educator, academician and president of the Romanian Academy between the years 1938 – 1940, marking personality of Romania of the first half of the XXth century.

In the village there are found two churches, the upper church, from the small village Răduțești, built from wall before the Second World War and the inferior church, from the small village Popești, built from wood in 1821.

Within the laic constructions there are remarked the house of the family Rădulescu, transformed in memorial museum of Constantin Rădulescu – Motru.

In his road from Turnu Severin to Bucharest, King Carol I passed through the locality Arginești. King Carol I was received in the house of the priest Belbiță from the village Tabla. On the radius of the commune Butoiești, King Carol I together with the pose which accompanies him, halted, there also building up a fountain in the Arginești forest. It seems that this fountain was the first construction of the King on the territory of Romania. The fountain was destroyed during the communism, there being built up a military unit. Carol I, king of Romania, prince of Hohenzollern – Sigmaringen, was born on the date of the 20th of April 1839, Sigmaringen and died on the date of the 10th of October 1914, at Sinaia. The reign of Carol I started, actually, in April 1866, together with his entry in the country.


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