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Monument of Lenin, the village NovgradCod 2341

Novgrad village was established after 1388 by local Bulgarians survivors, after the destruction by the Ottomans to the existing one near the city Neokratsko (Novakresni). The fortress was built by the Byzantines during the Byzantine domination, and later, with the revival of the Bulgarian State was renamed Novgrad. Citadel is 4 km northeast of the village today, on top of Kalebair on the left bank of the river Yantra.
It was raised on a high and inaccessible place across the river, and the only accesible part was to the east, where he built a fortified wall and a moat. Nobgrad city was conquered by the Turks in 1388, during the march of 30 thousand army of Ali Pasha, north of the Stara Planina. Angered by the resistance of the defenders of the city, the Ottomans killed most people and virtually destroyed the city to the ground. The few Bulgarians who were rescued, built on the outskirts ruins of this, new settlement, named after the city destroyed – Novgrad.

The village center is the only preserved monument of Lenin in Bulgaria in size. It was built with money from the villagers, many of whom admire today the communist leader.

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