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National Museum of Transport, RuseCod 2345

National Museum of Transport is located in Rousse, on the Danube River, and is one of its kind in the country. It is located in the building of the first stations in the country, built in 1866, according to the project Barkley brother.
The exhibition is arranged in two parts in the station building and out – a few steam locomotives, various models of cars, there keeping the coach staff of Tsar Ferdinand I, wagon with the Turkish sultan undertook trips, and many other interesting exhibits.
The museum is a museum categorizt national museum of railway and communications on 26 June 1996, following the celebration of 100 years since the start of railway transport in Bulgaria. The museum building was declared a historic monument. Exhibits in the museum participated in films:
“Captain Petko Voivode”
“Notes on Bulgarian uprisings”
Russian-Bulgarian co-production “Turkish Gambit”

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