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The Catholic Church from Malchika, MalchikaCod 2282

The church from the village Malchika is the oldest Catholic Church from Bulgaria. In this year, the church goers celebrated 150 years since its construction. The architects from Hungary, started the construction in 1851 and finalized it in only four summers – in the year 1855. The church is unique, with its exterior stone façade, says the priest Remo Gambarota, taking care of the temple already for 12 years, thanks to the Italian sponsors. Two thirds of the population Malchika confesses the Catholic faith. Between the Catholics and the Orthodox, there is an absolute understanding for the priest Remo. He said that, in the capacity of Orthodox priest, because of his employment, he could celebrate the High Mass every week in the village, and many Orthodox go to this church for the Sunday service.

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