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“Bela Voda” Waterfall, BelogradchikCod 2637

“Bela Voda” Waterfall is located on the River “Stakevska” in northwestern Stara Planina near the village of Stakevtsi, Belogradchik municipality. Its height is about 15 meters (two waterfalls) and is in a very nice location. In 1976 it was declared a natural monument and was included in the longest ecological route of the Western Balkans. On the riverbed can still be seen some smaller waterfalls.
To the waterfall can be reached very easy – you need to pass through the entire village on the main road, which, after the village continues up the mountain. Along the way, after the village you will see plaques with information about the flora and fauna of the place. Approximately 500 m higher on the road, you come road jonction, where, on the left you will see a table with a white bird on a red background, which means “protected area”, there is also a white-red marking on the trees. The waterfall itself is located in a valley and you can reach it on a steep path.

The road is pretty good and if you drive carefully, you can reach the waterfall by car, easily. Walking from the village to the waterfall, will not take more than 30-40 minutes, easy walk.

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