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“Crown” Cave, OreshetsCod 2642

Crown Cave is the most beautiful of all 121 caves found in the expeditions of the “Bell bats” club. This can be seen in all kinds of secondary calcite formations that nature can create with its unique fantasy. Therefore, it is rightly called, Venice. The length of the cavern is approximately 200 m, where there are five chambers. Its movement was 26 m.
Formed in Jurassic limestone in the mountain ridge (wreath Belograchishki) – a remnant of the northern foot of Belogradchik, Western Ridge.
At 3 m after the entrance is located the first room. At its end is a narrow passage that descends two meters down in the second chamber of the cave. In the north wall is revealed a hole through which is entered in the third hall with dimensions of 20, 15 width and height between 3 and 6 m. Here the cave reveals its unique beauty. There are all kinds of secondary formations – stalactites, stalagmites, corallites, sinter pots and lakes – colored in shades of yellow, brown and pale red. It follows a fourth room that resembles a maze made up of large boulders and stalactites almost adjacent. The bottom is covered with clay, and in some places – a strong sintered crust. In the lower side of the room – is the former lake, with specific formations like maces. From the ceiling are coming down conical stalactites, which include significant increased helicates. The fifth and final room has relatively salt formations. Typical for the cave are a series of six holes, from which the most deep are of 12 meters. The hall ceiling is cut by numerous vertical cracks.
The temperature in the cave is 9.60 ° C and has 100% humidity.
The cave was discovered in 1970, during a career near Oreşeţ station, Haskovo.
The natural zone has a protected area of 1 hectar.

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