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Dobrogea Gorges, County Road no. 222Cod 1207

The geological reservation Dobrogea Gorgea (The Reservation Jurassic Reefs Cheia) has a total surface of the reservation of 10929 hectares.

The chalkstone is part of the first sedimentation cycle (with carbonic deposits, from the Jurassic period) and are of organic origin, deriving especially from the skeletons of the coral reefs which populated the tropical sees  205 – 135 million years ago, dating back to the era of the Thetis Sea. They are disposed transgressive and discordant over the foundation of the Precambrian green schist. From the palaeontolgical point of view, the chalkstones from the Dobrogea Gauge area shelter the richest fossiliferous point with a meso Jurassic fauna of the entire synclinal Casimcea. The site is important not only because of its geomorphologic, paleontology, botanical and landscape characteristics, but also because of its fauna elements. Very well represented are the species of reptiles, birds and chiropters, as Mustela eversmanni (the steppe polecat), Elaphe sauromates (Dobrogea’s griffin), Testudo greaca (Dobrogea’s dried land frog), xerophilous species – which like the aridity, the rock area and which, most likely, couldn’t adapt to the environmental changes. The gorges’ chalkstones represents the remainings of atolls, which justify the semi round shape of the walls. The walls are oriented to the East/West and don’t have a height taller than 40m. The calcareous plateaus with weird shapes, beaten by the passing of the water surround on one side and the other the road. Together with the natural beauties, the area is also strewn by numerous archeological traces, especially the ones found strewn in the caves alongside the Dobrogea Gorges – remaining of tools, hunting and even ostelogical traces of the type of people who used to populate this area in the pre-historical era. Alongside the entire development of the Dobrogea Gorges there are met numerous delightful natural attractions, such as steeps, sips or caves sculpted in limestone: the Cave La Adam, the Bats’ Cave, the Old Lady’s Cave, Casian Cave or the Bride’s Cave.

The area is also passed by a small beck, which discharges in the river Casimcea. The Cave La Adam is one of the most important caves from the region Dobrogea Gorges, being situated at an altitude of approximately 65 meters and being displayed on a length of approximately 100 meters. Here there have been discovered, following the paleontology researches, more fossils which seem to originate from species such as the cave hyena, the cave bear, the reindeer, the mammoth, the wild horse, the buffalo and even from a homo sapiens from the superior Paleolithic Era. Another important cave is also the Bats’ Cave, known also as the Cave Gura Dobrogei, whose interior galleries are extended on around 650 meters long. Also, here there have been revealed animal, but also human fossils, which seem to date back from the inferior Paleolithic and also from Neolithic.

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